Susan J. Demas: Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder isn't running for president. Here's what he's doing

No, Rick Snyder is not going to be president.

He's much too smart to relegate himself to being one of 19 Republicans (who are almost all far more well-known than he) smushed on rural New Hampshire stage -- just hoping to get more than three words in between Ted Cruz's visions of Obama-inspired Armageddon and Marco Rubio mugging for the cameras. 

As an Iowa caucuses native, I can say Snyder would hate coffee klatches, where you're asked kooky questions about getting back on the gold standard that you must gracefully humor.
Let's be honest. Rick Snyder looks uncomfortable campaigning in his home state and even against just one opponent, which is why he cleverly launched his one-man town hall circuit in 2014.

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